Monday, May 31, 2010

Vet saves Oscar at the last minute

Dusseldorf - dog owners around the Prince's Square are in fear: a madman has in recent days Fleischbröckchen poisoned in the bushes designed around the playgrounds.
Two dogs have died. Oskar has been lucky. The seven-Münsterländer could be saved at the last second.
Veterinarian Dr. Reinhold Zude: "Oscar has breathed no more. We had him pump his stomach and his breathing artificially. "
The dog is one neighbor of the veterinarian. They alerted him on Wednesday evening. Shortly after the walk at the dog Fürstenplatz it went bad.
"Oscar began to sway, was always shaky. He was not really conscious, "says Zude. For it is clear that the animal has been poisoned. "I know not what, I can only exclude rat poison. This causes other symptoms. "
On Fürstenplatz now worried dog owners have hung Warning poster. Nevertheless, not all have noticed.
"What? Poison? That's terrible. I let Gina no longer of a leash, "says Shepherd Mr Chen Volker Schmitz. "I watch my dog on course, but 100 percent, I can not control it," says Thomas Tackenberg and strokes hound mixed breed Lotte.
"That must be a sick brain. What can you ensure the dogs? There are still the owners fault if dog mess lying around, "says Detlef Schulte, who was a boxer lady Nixi go.
But even with the parents who let their children play on the Prince Square, the poison attack causes unrest. "This can be dangerous if the children get into their hands. I'll wash in any case, all the toys when we get home, "says Loredana Topolicano.
"It's hard to believe that there are people who do such a thing. I'm really worried, "said Boris Schimanski, who was with daughter Sophie Luca came to play.