Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tutschek and Collins injured

Dusseldorf - The DEG and its unpleasant appearance at the tournament Diestel homes Cup at second division Heilbronner Falken:
Not only that, the vice-champions with only one victory (against the Adler Mannheim) and two losses (against the second division, and Heilbronn Bietigheim) as the defending champions just landed in third place - now two players injured!
"It would have been nice if we had the whole thing at least, survived without injury. But unfortunately this is not so "angry head coach Harold circle. Because attackers Tutschek Bradley had to make a thick bandaged shoulder, the journey home.
"It was dislocated, but could equally be set right again," said Kreis. "I hope that Brad is only one week."
Even top striker Rob Collins caught it: Adduktorenreizung! The "professor" must also erstmal pause. However, there was not only bad news in the test tournament, even joyous. District: "The forward line with our new items MacDonald, Murphy and businessman has been running well. In the coming days is to commit the team and work on the game outnumbered and outnumbered in the training are at the forefront. "