Monday, May 31, 2010

Vet saves Oscar at the last minute

Dusseldorf - dog owners around the Prince's Square are in fear: a madman has in recent days Fleischbröckchen poisoned in the bushes designed around the playgrounds.
Two dogs have died. Oskar has been lucky. The seven-Münsterländer could be saved at the last second.
Veterinarian Dr. Reinhold Zude: "Oscar has breathed no more. We had him pump his stomach and his breathing artificially. "
The dog is one neighbor of the veterinarian. They alerted him on Wednesday evening. Shortly after the walk at the dog Fürstenplatz it went bad.
"Oscar began to sway, was always shaky. He was not really conscious, "says Zude. For it is clear that the animal has been poisoned. "I know not what, I can only exclude rat poison. This causes other symptoms. "
On Fürstenplatz now worried dog owners have hung Warning poster. Nevertheless, not all have noticed.
"What? Poison? That's terrible. I let Gina no longer of a leash, "says Shepherd Mr Chen Volker Schmitz. "I watch my dog on course, but 100 percent, I can not control it," says Thomas Tackenberg and strokes hound mixed breed Lotte.
"That must be a sick brain. What can you ensure the dogs? There are still the owners fault if dog mess lying around, "says Detlef Schulte, who was a boxer lady Nixi go.
But even with the parents who let their children play on the Prince Square, the poison attack causes unrest. "This can be dangerous if the children get into their hands. I'll wash in any case, all the toys when we get home, "says Loredana Topolicano.
"It's hard to believe that there are people who do such a thing. I'm really worried, "said Boris Schimanski, who was with daughter Sophie Luca came to play.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gangster races with "anchors" in window

Engelskirchen - As has gescheppert's neatly: To break into a photo shop, has built an unknown gangster a mistaken construction.
With an "anchor" (see photo) to the trailer hitch, he raced in the disk of the photo shop at the Edmund-Schiefeling Square. Then he ran over the fence from the anchor, grabbed an expensive digital camera.
Has been the break on 13 June - and the police chasing the perpetrators still. Now published the official photo and ask, "Who can provide information on the origin of the" anchor "?" Notes on the use 022618199-0 Regionalkommissariat Gummersbach, Tel.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oscar Niemeyer - Life is a breath (OV)

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Oscar Niemeyer has accomplished through his innovations in modern architecture, or changes initiated, to be called revolutionary. With over 100 years, the architect is still one of the main intellectual voices of Brazil. In over ten years, resulting documentary Niemeyer's career is traced through his buildings and companions as the writer José Saramago to speak.
?? Movie.label.director??
Fabiano Maciel
?? Movie.label.actors??
Oscar Niemeyer, Bruno Contarini, Chico Buarque
?? Movie.label.genre??
?? Movie.label.year??
?? Movie.label.runtime??
85?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tannenbusch: Two cops clean up

Bonn - you look like Bruce Willis and Clive Owen. Michael Hartmann (48) and Ralf Jehring (43) - two cops who bring in the spotlight since the September 2007 criminal Tannenbusch guys to see reason. Now there was praise from the Home Secretary. Ingo Wolf was thrilled when the two told of her work and said: "It's amazing that we have in Bonn is a force that makes with heart and soul."
Hartmann and Jehring are JuKoBs) (Youth contact officers to wear a leather jacket and jeans instead of uniforms. Since they are in Tannenbusch the road, went back to crime - the first time ever.
On Wednesday the visit of North Rhine-Westphalia Ingo Wolf, interior minister in youth bridge, right in the area of application for JuKoBs. Juvenile delinquency. "It burns us all under the nails," says Wolf. "All 47 district police offices in NRW are dedicated to this issue." The special project in Bonn, is already showing positive effects.
Tannenbusch. Anonymous high-rise buildings, high unemployment, no prospects. Who is a status symbol (brand clothes, expensive watches can boast), is the greatest. Many want that too, by the zealous, whether criminal or not, never mind. Thus, increased in 2006 and 2007 in the city, including Tannenbusch is that street crime (car risers, etc. to plunder) drastically. Even police officers were attacked.
2008, the turning point: the actions decreased by more than 500! Thanks JuKoBs and a network of district officials, Jugendsachbearbeitern, schools, clubs. So the cops a 16-year-olds (eight criminal charges), a football training imparted so that he comes out from its surroundings.
The Tannenbusch-Pappenheimer JuKoBs have their eye on. "There are 50 to 60 young people that we know - their habits, hobbies, nicknames," says Michael Hartmann. With Ralf Jehring he is a day on the road. "Meanwhile, we welcomed us with a handshake. We have a reputation of being fair. "
Speeches, offering support, but also track criminals, deliver subpoenas. Home Secretary Wolf said he was impressed by the JuKoBs: "This is not a job that is calling."
Also read: Ragefire zündelte for the fourth time> Bonner Taxi-terror (19) locked up>

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tutschek and Collins injured

Dusseldorf - The DEG and its unpleasant appearance at the tournament Diestel homes Cup at second division Heilbronner Falken:
Not only that, the vice-champions with only one victory (against the Adler Mannheim) and two losses (against the second division, and Heilbronn Bietigheim) as the defending champions just landed in third place - now two players injured!
"It would have been nice if we had the whole thing at least, survived without injury. But unfortunately this is not so "angry head coach Harold circle. Because attackers Tutschek Bradley had to make a thick bandaged shoulder, the journey home.
"It was dislocated, but could equally be set right again," said Kreis. "I hope that Brad is only one week."
Even top striker Rob Collins caught it: Adduktorenreizung! The "professor" must also erstmal pause. However, there was not only bad news in the test tournament, even joyous. District: "The forward line with our new items MacDonald, Murphy and businessman has been running well. In the coming days is to commit the team and work on the game outnumbered and outnumbered in the training are at the forefront. "