Sunday, April 18, 2010

Charming Scherins make a career

Bonn - it's only a week ago that Scherins Simo (22) was elected the new Miss Bonn "- and the first offers come in.
"Scherins is depicted as an angel on our new CD cover. I already make extra leave for you wings, "says Christian Post of the band" Kribbelköpp.
"We also want Scherins in the carnival session with our TV and take live performances. For this time she gets asked of us a car with driver, "promises post.
 Great thing. Also, the Bonn police are blown away by the cute 22-year-olds: "We focus on 3 September, a Beach Soccer World Cup off. For this next week will be drawn by the teams. We would like to have a magic wand Scherins for charging, "said police spokesman Frank Piontek.
"Even police chief Wolfgang Albers will be there. If it works, we will pick Scherins with a motorcycle escort and bring to a police station, "says Piontek.
For a stroll from the EXPRESS Scherins learned the surprising news. "Sure I do that, I am totally," said the pretty student. "It's my biggest dream to even be a real model."
Private is the new Miss Bonn hobbies like many girls her age: "I love to go shopping or simply relaxing time in a cafe with my girlfriends," says Scherins. Funny: "My teachers at the vocational school I now no longer call Scherins, but only Miss Bonn."
And what about a knight in shining armor? "I'm single. In November, I parted after five years of relationship with my then boyfriend. And currently I'm just enjoying my single life, "says Scherins Simo.
The men's world can hope so. And you can bet that soon with their great vision of our Miss Bonn can not save them from services.