Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carnival: anger at mosque cars

Dusseldorf - A car club will strike on Monday next to the car in the motto Zoch special.
It is built by Jacques Tilly car for the Rheinische Guard Blue-White. A satire on the construction of the mosque in Cologne.
Now threatens the well-known Green Monday Wagenbauer anger from the cathedral city. But Tilly is upset about some reaction.
The car shows a functionary of the DITIB (Turkish client), who rolled over with his "large mosque in Cologne," the cathedral town - played by an ironed Cologne and a Pro-Cologne supporters in brown uniforms and with shaven heads. "Leeve Cologne, do Seider flat, huh?" Stands on a poster on the front page.
"The car is my response to the uncritical pro-car mosque in Cologne last year. I think that you should see the construction of a thoroughly critical. Because the DITIB has pulled through it easily without having to talk to the people. And there was, unfortunately, at the right edge as an evil group like Pro Cologne form that is not off from the right-wing camp. "
Just out of Pro Cologne this car now celebrating. "Apart from the inappropriate appearance of the Pro-Cologne is the image very accurately," it says on their homepage. To the chagrin of Tilly. "It is quite obvious that we make fun of the right. These brothers, I will have nothing to do. I have forbidden Pro Cologne, show my pictures on their side. Why did not you mean anti-Hitler showed car there? We have always been against the right flag! "
The car did not see it as an attack, but "everything with a wink." Cologne Zugleiter Christophe's Kuckelkorn however goes too far: "What makes Tilly is too much. It is simply too flat! "
More car-Zoff: So the bikini-Merkel sees Rosenmontag from> Mainz: Bildstörung masked nun in Nacktscanner>
What do you think of Tilly's draft? HERE in discussions!